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Certificate Details
Serial Number 01440329
NIN CN79017101DXNF
Issue date 22.09.2021
Name of the client IVAN KAHANGIRE
Age 41
Sex Male
Occupation Business
Country Uganda
District Apac
Sub Country Chegere
Parish Ilee
Village ADOK 'A'
Telephone +25610971097
Transaction Id AO55lHMay9pBC4VcpuXKyh
Hash 8308669e7bd443a37edb44a2407f7fa2fb5d91a060156b979f162e89897b7293
Dose Vaccination Name Date Dose Given Next Appt Date Batch No. Vaccination Center Vaccinators' Initials Stamp Location Verify Link
1st AstraZeneca (COVISHIELD) 22.09.2021 22.10.2021 VC73459 Victoria Hospital Uganda BB Apac