Secured By Blockchain

About Us


About Phonevacc:

Phonevacc is a reputable name for offering Certificate verification solutions by implementing blockchain technology and public-key cryptography. Partnering with VeriDoc Global, we have been serving the industry for the last six years.


We have partnered with VeriDoc Global, a reputable organisation offering a trusted solution towards an honest and transparent future. Together, we are on a mission to eliminate vaccine certificate forgeries and counterfeits.

Why Should the Government
Register with Phonevacc?

Cyber security has already warned about the skyrocketing of fake vaccination certificates around the world. Since most countries have made the proof of vaccination mandatory for work and travel, the corruption of fraudulent certifications is increasing more and more. In fact, the price of a fake certificate is now around $140-$160.

The worst part is the black marketing of fake certificates have been an open business opportunity for many, and people can get it with just a few clicks.

While industries across the globe are striving to find out a solution for eliminating fake certificates for Corona vaccination, Phonevacc has brought an innovative solution to prevent corruption. With the implementation of blockchain, we make certificate verification trusted and transparent.

The Transparency of Blockchain Helps You
Verify Information with Ease:

When the governments across the world sign up with us, they can create and verify a certificate with just a scan. By scanning the QR Code placed on a card, they will directly be redirected to a secure page showing all the information about the patient, including their name, age, sex, nationality, district, sub-county, phone number and more.

They will also see the record of treatment that shows if the person is vaccinated with the first dose or second dose, what vaccination they have taken, hospital name, doctor’s name, nurse’s name and the time of the vaccination.

The government or organisation will get to know a brief about the doctor, their email id, phone number, specialty and address and verify them

Get Ensured All the Information Recorded Is
Trusted and Authentic:

The immutability of blockchain makes it almost impossible to counterfeit data and change information in the certificate once it is updated in the blockchain. So, whenever verifying a certificate, the government can rest assured that all the information is trusted and verified